martes, 30 de marzo de 2010

Taller literario (parte)

Hoy me he dado cuenta de que todo ha sido un sueño, un sueño del que necesitaba creer...En esta vida aún corta no he hecho más que vivir en penumbra. Ese sol del que todos hablan es aún ajeno a mis sentidos. ¡Pobre de mí! ¡Cobarde! Que a la más insignificante mosca le temo. No he hecho nada... no merezco esto. ¿Pero por qué?

Something i wrote last year with my classmate Carlota in spanish class! It's about bullying... as you'll see. Yup, I have nothing to post... xD Photo taken by me! It's nothing.. wow (you get what i mean)... but i like it.. haha

lunes, 29 de marzo de 2010

La vi, la viste

Yo la vi caer, yo la vi levantarse
Yo la vi correr, correr hacia ti
Un intento tras otro, fallido
Yo la vi sufrir, yo la vi reír
y todo por ti
Yo la vi desesperada
También la vi decidida
Yo la vi, el otro día
Yo la vi como perdía
Y hoy la vi, la vi como seguía
y todo por ti
La vi caer
Ahora la veo, la veo levantarse
Yo la vi, y tu la viste.

(C'est la vie!)

Ante un agujero, a punto de morir.

Porque aquellas manos rozaron y aquel robusto tacto desnudaba ya su desprotegida piel. Porque aquellas rosas marchitas quedaron desamparadas y después de aquel amargo adiós nada volvió.

Ante un agujero, a punto de morir.
(I saw it on my bro's notebook and i like it so i decided to use it, don't know where he got that phrase)
The silence isn't so bad till i look at my hands and feel sad... cause the spaces between my fingers are right where yours fit perfectly! [Vanilla twilight- Owl City]

lunes, 8 de marzo de 2010

Pride and Prejudice

I loved the book... even though i didnt finish it... instead i watched the moviee! Good story... :) Btw.. I LOVED this scene!

viernes, 5 de marzo de 2010

Sunday morning, out of place.

This is what I see every morning, outside my window, when the sun comes out
No supe entender, quizás
Donde allí amanece
Aquí anochece
Que mi lugar no era este
Tuve miedo de seguir
Y aquí permaneci
El tiempo no espera
Lo que dejas, se lo lleva

Pobre pasajero errante
Estas tierras no te pertenecen!

lunes, 1 de marzo de 2010

It took me long to realize...

In my dreams, I lost hope...
Couldn't find my way back home
Are you there, I asked?
And I've got nothing but silence

Is there a place called home?
I think I'm lost
Can't seem to find any direction
I think I'm blind
Is there a place for me?

It took me long to realize
Things I should've known
It took me long to realize
That you were always inside of me
It took me long to realize
But I've finally understood

But just when i was losing hope
When I thought I've nothing left
Just before I throw myself away
There was a light, there was a shining smile
I heard a voice, I knew it was You

(It took me long to realize
Things I should've known
It took me long to realize
That you were always there
It took me long to realize
But I've finally understood)

You're so kind, forgiveness I found
I'm not scared in darkness anymore
I'm so ashame of what I've done
But once more, You show me the light
And there was hope

It took me long to realize
Things I should've known
It took me long to realize
That you were always inside of me
It took me long to realize
But I've finally understood